Monday, June 26, 2006

Bonjour, Bonjour

Good evening!

This post is to let all of you know a little information on how to contact me, while I am away in Africa, serving in the Peace Corps. (Some of you know this, some of you had NO idea)
Anyway, my address info is as follows for the moment:

Colton Hubbard
Corps de la Paix Americain
B.P 222 Nouakchott, Mauritania, West Africa

A few notes:

PLEASE send many letters.

DON’T send boxes

If you were, in fact, planning on sending me material support, padded envelopes are much better for things more substantial than paper.
But the aforementioned padded envelopes, you must tape these like they are going into a war zone (customs officials frequently tamper with the mail there, and so let us do all we can do to thwart them). It would also be smart to include a note detailing what is actually supposed to be inside.

It might be helpful to number, or at least date your letters, as they can frequently take several weeks to arrive, and not necessarily in chronological order when they do.

I’m writing this from a Kinkos in Philadelphia, (not my original, organized and highly idealized plan) so I’m trying to think of what you all should know. The trouble is, I’m still in the dark about many, many things myself, and will be (at least) until I get in the country this weekend.
For those of you who have my old address please start using my new one,, as I am phasing out the old in favor of the faster and more spam-less new. I will be able to check email while in country, at least for a little while, and at least once a month, but I may not be able to respond immediately, due to the absolute crappiness of Mauritanian internet connections (allegedly, allegedly)

Anyway, I’ve got to run and eat and sleep, and do the same thing over again tomorrow. BTW, Philly is nice, Market St. is cute and gorgeous, the plane was a propeller, (I could actually see them) and I’ve survived today based merely on a bit of luck, and the extreme kindness of no less than three strangers. Thank you, thank you, whoever you were. I’ve brought enough shit to break two camels’ backs, the volunteers seem nice so far, but very varied. I’ve met more people today than in the last three years. Much more soon. I love you all.



Anonymous said...

Hey there Colt, hope things are going well for you today. Just wanted to write to let you know I am impressed and proud of what you are doing. You are a great young man and I am proud to be your MOM. My prayers go with you hopeing you stay safe and happy. Take each day as a gift and get the most out of it. Take care of yourself. Love you BUNCHES!!! MOM

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're right....had no idea....Congrats on such a big step. I hope Africa inspires your Music!!

Uncle Mark

Anonymous said...

Hey Colt! So glad to hear you made it to Philly successfully. I am very excited for your new adventure and proud to be your sis. Just take one day at a time and I know you'll do great. Can't wait to read all your updates of how it's going. I'm praying for your strength and safety. Please take care of yourself. I love you always!! Meghann

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Colton! We already miss you. Thanks for the final entry on the Underground Punching Bag.

Take care of yourself, and update your blog often. We want to keep tabs on you. By the way, your fine is right under the limit. You might want to do something about that...probably not, though.

Anonymous said...

Strange things are done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.
Such extremes in climate, have at it Colt. Dad

Anonymous said...

Colton!!! I will write you! I hope you took everything in my carebox with you & I hope that you have the most wonderful experiences possible because you deserve the best!!! I miss you! I look forward to living vicariously through your blog & being pen pals. :o) My thoughts & prayers are with you, love you much! <3 Allison

Tony-la said...

"Oh, Boo-hoo! Squish-Squish! Look - mommy's upset too darling! Squish Squish!"
What television series is that from?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are already having an adventure hun. I am here having an adventure of my own in California and I can't wait to send you letters about it :). Take care and I hope you get to update soon! Love you!

Anonymous said...

We had a going away party for Chris last night - she'll be an aide in a school library. I think she'll love it. Now Erich is going too - he'll work as an intern for Biden in the Presidental election. We continue to miss you.