Thursday, February 15, 2007

Je les ne veux pas

Hello Valentines

This post is to void all the previous posts I have put up asking for lovely American mass produced gifts to be sent in the mail. I have received an embarrassment of riches from many friendly people and no longer need anything. Except perhaps inner clarity and infinite wisdom, but those don't ship well.

If you still want to send things, please send the following:

Ziploc bags.

Pens I will continue to receive with joy, but I'm changing my preference from the uncapped pilot G2, which are my favorites, to the capped, and therefore sand-resistant uniball something or others. Just something with liquid ink.

Everything else I can either find on occasion in the capital, or is no longer important to me. As one might imagine, my living requirements are ridiculously reduced.

Plus, it's not like any of you are Rockefellers, to be perfectly honest....

So that's all. Plus good wishes to you all, so far away.


PS Happy Birthday Mom. I love you.

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