Saturday, June 28, 2008


Hi Pals,

How's things? I just wanted to update everyone who is not "in the know", that I have left El Qidiya for good, so I will now remain more or less perpetually contactable ( a word?) to those who might wish to do so (hint hint) Anyway, leaving made me neither sad nor happy, but just irritatingly regretful about all the things I should have, maybe could have, done but didn't. Oh well, that's a long story. I mean, Mauritania(n brousse) is no picnic, but then again, on picnics, ants get all over your food, and who wants that?

Right now I'm in Tijikja for the next week or so, before I go on a trip to Mali for two weeks - to, you know, see what that's like. I will of course post on it when it's over, assuming I still have the use of my digits, although it bears noting that I still haven't finished writing my giant leviathan of a post about my trip to Guinea last year, so that's slightly depressing. I promise I will finish someday, but keep in line about it.

After I come back from Mali, I'm moving to Nouakchott until the middle of December to finish rewriting the Hassaniyan Arabic dictionary, for Peace Corps, and that is sure to be an intricately detailed nightmare, so lots of fun in store.

Okay, there are many things I would like to post, and there is even a remote chance that I will actually do that, now that I have extended contact with computers, so stay tuned.

Be well


1 comment:

Tony-la said...
