Thursday, August 17, 2006

Beaner Clips N' Telly

My cell phone number is actually 011 222 458 7862 (don't call the one
I previously posted or you'll get my friend Preston. Or hell, give him
a call if you want)

Anyway, since my permanent site, (where I'll be for two years starting
three weeks from now) has no Reso (cellphone coverage) you won't be
able to call me on it except when I'm travelling periodically. So,
there's that.

Also, an addition to my wish list: little beaner clips. They're really
cheap at sporting goods stores.


Tony-la said...

Am I the only one that doesn't know what Beaner Clips are?

alice said...

they are the caribeaners that rock climbers use, but everyone in ithaca used to clip their nalgenes to their bags, or to keep keys on

Tony-la said...

Oh....! I imagined that they were some sort of hair or hat clip (like when Colt used to wear clothes pins in his hair)! What a wierd name, Caribeaners. How do you pronounce that, and why in the world does Colton need Those?!?