Saturday, February 24, 2007

Camera Obscura # 2

Jiddou trying out a pose with attitude.
A lackluster photo of St Louis's crumbling elegance.

Rachel doing a nerdy pose near the beach in St Louis, and my dearly departed Lee and Christine. We miss you!!

Bobbo covers his eyes.


Unknown said... have me nerd-ily featured in your blog!? what else havent you told me! had a great time with you at waist....hopefully see you soon buddy!

Anonymous said...

miss you tons! <3

Anonymous said...

Colton, my pet, you are so talented in a myriad of ways... we always saw it in you but you have taken it to paths and heights unimagined by we parental types.... reveling in your musical talents used to be enough... but now I read (and share) your postings like a JPeterman catalog of Peace Corps experiences... thank you for the gift that you are... a constant unexpected path of brilliance (not that the intelligence is unexpected... it's the paths... LOL)
Consider publishing your blog.... ?
I do have a request... it is so refreshing to see the photo of you posted, albiet in a pensive stance... with your face partially obscured... how about a big smile and a shot of you surrounded by your 'family'?
Virtual hugs will have to do until we can celebrate your homecoming and eve's eve properly.
Mama White

Anonymous said...

Good post.